Where's Fuckkit?

No one seems to have heard from Fuckkit for a while. Where is she?
Here are my theories.
1. She’s fallen in love with somewhere.
2. She’s fallen in love with someone.
3. She’s fallen in love with a group of people.
4. She’s fallen in a hole.
5. She’s fallen in a hole and been eaten by ants.
6. She’s been eaten by wild dingoes.
7. She’s been eaten by a gang of marauding lesbian bikers.
8. She’s joined a gang of marauding lesbian bikers.
9. She’s joined a monastery.
10. She’s joined the mafia.
11. She’s discovered joined up writing and no longer uses a key board.
12. She’s had one too many.
13. She’s had one too many left ear piercing and is going around in circles.
14. IDV has cast a spell on her.
All other suggestions and theories welcome.