Man Grows Penis on Arm

Photo:, image of a similar operation held several years ago
Russian Man Grows Penis on Arm
Created: 22.03.2005 12:01 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 17:13 MSK
Russian doctors have conducted an 11-hour operation to replace a patient’s deformed penis with one grown on his forearm, the Moskovskiy Komsomolets daily reports.
The 30-year-old Russian man, whose name was changed in the article to protect his privacy, had a defect from birth — his penis was crooked, two-and-a-half-inches long and lacked a scrotum, the newspaper writes.
The doctors had the penis removed and attached to the man’s arm. Using his body tissue it grew to six-and-a-half inches and was sewn back on to his groin. Silicone tubes were inserted into the organ to ensure an erection was possible. Doctors also created a scrotum from the patient’s own skin and placed silicone testicles in it.
A Moscow surgeon said the man will be able to have sex in a few months. He added: “Women will never suspect it is artificial.”
Just think of the possibilities.
Seriously? Wow. That's the most bizarre thing I've ever read.
It was going to be a link but I had problems with it. I know how disinclined we all are at following links, so I cut and pasted it from some Russian news site.
What is it with bloggers and genetailia - frobes has horrid fannies and you've got random dick growing.....I don't think you can grow your self a spare just in case the original fails at some future date!
2 and a half inches?
no bollocks?
sounds pretty normal to me
so when you say russian man you really mean british man named tickers?
wow. fisting would be awesome. both holes, etc etc....
Wow. Thats... something
Just think... if it were on your arm you could blow yourself whenever you wanted.
I'm surprised he had them put it back where it's meant to be. Much more fun having it so readily accessible, surely.
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