i> Away With The Fairies.: Environmentally Friendly Retail.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Environmentally Friendly Retail.

I heard this story this morning on the radio.

Sales Assistant, "That'll be £17.95 Madam. Would you like us to recycle the coat hanger?"

Customer, " Recycle, as what?"

Sales Assistant, "Sorry?"

Customer, "You asked if you could recycle the coat hanger, recycle it as what?"

Sales Assistant, "Well.......as a coat hanger."

Customer, "So you regard using a coat hanger twice as 'recycling',"

Sales Assistant, "Yes, it increases our green profile."


Blogger Unknown said...

What an odd thing to do, doesn't everyone buy a new coat hanger evertime they put an item of clothing in the walldrobe? Guess that makes me an anti-recycling green monster

11:38 PM  
Blogger Snooze said...

oh dear lord...

2:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have started screaming "RE-USE" and swatted the guy with said coathanger, but that's just me.

2:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Cue Milk tray music*

And all because ...

the governments love global warming.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Frobisher said...

At least they didn't say they were trying to reduce their "carbon footprint" - that makes me seeth.

It's just fashionable tokenism - any effort me make are just wiped out by China/India/America.

Whatever happened to Acid Rain? oh, that was soooo 80's!

9:51 AM  
Blogger Tickersoid said...

Ickle_bro- You're so selfish! Did you know a puppy farm the size of Birmingham has to be destroyed to make way for the coathanger factories every day! Shame on you.

Snooze- My door mat has a mountain of paper from politicians telling me they're greener than their rival.

Fifth Amendment- It's the American way.

Convict- You may be a felon but you're artistic.

Frobisher- I don't understand how people can't understand the perspective of their actions against the bigger picture. It's like we just might get around to using egg cups to bail the Titanic whilst others are boring new holes in the hull.
What effect will the patio heaters consequent of the smoking laws have on GW. What about the effect of speed humps. No co-ordinated government action. And yes, our actions, if the total was ever positive, which I doubt, are but a drop in an ever expanding ocean.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Andrea Knapp said...

Here they just take the nagers and don't let you take them home. OH, they'll SELL you them but won't just give you them, robbing bastards.....

Just one thing I miss about living in the UK!

7:17 PM  
Blogger jungle jane said...

but....but...the coat hanger is black. surely that only increases their black profile...

*goes back to doing the maths*

8:25 PM  
Blogger BEAST said...

I am going to start recycling my pants (cant be arsed to do the washing).

7:49 AM  
Blogger Tickersoid said...

Andi- you must pack up and return to the UK immediately or your clothes will lie in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the wardrobe.

Jungle Jane- *Sigh*

Beast- It's our civil duty to wear our clothes as long as possible without washing them. Think of the electricity and polution or water supplies by detergents.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha. i wonder if they charged a "recycling" fee.

6:53 PM  
Blogger phlegmfatale said...

recycling hangers? Really?
what a load of horseshit!

2:46 AM  
Blogger Darv said...

"but....but...the coat hanger is black. surely that only increases their black profile..."

No... that just means they're PeeCee

10:04 PM  

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