Tickers Does Lourdes

No, not Maddonas' daughter, you mucky minded lot. The Place where, on February the 11th 1856 St Bernadette Soubirous saw a vision of The Virgin Mary. She was only 14 at the time and frankly, I suspect, she was a bit of an attention seeker.
My first impression was of the tacky souvenir shops with their automatic 'wolf whistle' shop keeper alerts. the second was the wheelchair access availability in the shops, suggesting more hopefuls than miracles.
As for the grotto, it's really more of an indentation in the cliff face.
Anyway, I've drunk from the spring water and am now completely cured/cleansed/purged of all my deviant sexual inclinations.......except.......
Well, now I can only become aroused by a vision of The Virgin Mary.