For those of us with the right attitude, the gym is a haven, an oasis of spirituality. For us, this is no stressful penance paid in the hope of a better body but a wonderful expression of physicality which induces a flow of endorphines. Add to this, the joy of your MP3 kicking out your favorite tunes and it's easy to see how gym attendance can become an addiction. After 90 minutes or so, when your body is telling you to stop, there is the pool, hot tub, sauna and steam rooms. Finish off with the warm caress of a thick fluffy towel and you're ready for anything. Relaxed, clean and calm. Every other aspect of your life seems easier now.
It's no surprise, with all this physicality that ones thoughts during a work out turn to sex. There is always that 'hot' person stretching or working out. You can't help but look. I've found my self on occasions, imagining licking the sweat, of the spine, of the lady, on the cycle in front of me.
The paradox is it's not arousing. I can't ever claim to have been aroused whilst working out. It's as if the body targets the blood resources to the muscles leaving the penis and brain a little short. Even, as happened on one occasion, when a romantic encounter was cancelled at the last moment, after I'd already taken the Viagra.
It completely slipped my mind.
Not until I'm showering naked and the warm jets of water are dancing on my cock, do I get a stiff reminder of my pharmaceutical folly.
Which is a bit embarrassing in a public shower.
Even more so in one shared with small children.
I cut my shower short and grab the contents of my locker just in time to avoid detection.