Not only funny but educational.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

We sat one day at barstools during a lunch time session.
Tickers- "It says here in the paper, that in Britain today, there are two eligable men to every eligable woman. It's in the Sun so it must be true. "
Ric - "No wonder we're have trouble pulling!"
Tickers- " That means there's only half a woman to every man."
Ric - " In that case, I don't mind having the top half."
Tickers- "You don't mind having the top half?"
Ric - "No, I don't mind, just as long as she's wearing black stockings and suspenders."
I stare at him uncomprehending for a moment then explode with laughter.

One day back in the early '70's, Chaz was given the task of painting the pedestals on which the marble busts were placed in the foyer. All went well until the lunch time visit to the pub sapped him of strength and judgment. As he lifted a bust, it overwhelmed him and he fumbled it to the floor, where it's nose dropped off. He picked it up, face into his stomach and took it down stairs to the workshop, where a new nose was furtively fashioned in plaster of Paris. No one ever noticed.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Do you believe in fairies?

A relative of mine used to enjoy a drink. She often lost all memory of the later half of the evening.
Waking, after entertaining the previous night, she would dread the thought of having to clear the consequent mess. Very often she would stumble about the house to find all dishes washed and put away, furniture straightend and the Hoover recently deployed.
She attributed this phenomenon to the 'Booze fairies'.