Six Things About Me.

This has been in my in tray for some time. Brianne of 'A hangover you don't deserve' Tagged me.
1. When I was five, my mother told me to stay away from a certain river as I might contract polio. I didn't listen and woke up the next morning unable to walk. Spent a long time in hospital having constant blood tests and my left leg in traction to stretch it.
Fortunately, the long term effects were minimal, such that I became a better than average athlete at school.
2. My favorite meal has always been, a bowl of slightly soggy Kellogg's Corn flakes, no sugar, full fat milk.
3. Unlike my older brother, I was sent to a military boarding school. It was due to difficult circumstances at the time.
Thought it would be pretty cool to 'play' soldiers.
Put me off the military for life.
4. My party piece as a young man was being able to leap frog the old red telephone booths. (no, not post boxes, telephone booths) In truth my bum would clip the trailing edge as I came down, and it had to be on a hill so I could approach from the high side.
5. My first motorised transport, was an ex police 250cc LE Velocette 'Noddy Bike'. It had a top speed of 40mph but you could get 45 if you lay on the tank. The second was a 1952 125cc BSA Bantum with no rear suspension whatsoever. I think Americans call that a 'hard tail'.
6. I once had a temporary job slinging fish heads into the back of a garbage truck.
Some of my friends avoiding me for a while.
I tag Lippy, Phlegm, Turboslut and Xtasy, to reveal six things about themselves. ( It was a long time ago and I think most of my other blogger community have already done theirs)
YAYAYAYAY First. For the second time. Does that make me first second?
Tickers you little bitch you deliberately wrote number 2 because you knew i would have to run off and do a little vom-vom...
Jane- No, being first twice makes you a computer geek.
I like 'little vom-vom' it's the nearest you can get to making a technicolour yawn cute.
We should always listen to our mothers. Glad to read you had no major lasting effects or else you might not have been able to leap over phone booths. That's quite amazing!
I am laughing to hard at fewclewz last three phrases, and still trying to figure just what the heck he said in the first part.
you should have listened to your mother, tickers. I always listen to mine and look what a lovely little miss i am.
Leapfrogging telephone boxes!!???
I discovered my super powers when I (tick one):
1. was bitten by a radio-active spider
2. went blind and developed superdooper hearing
3. threw a lump of rock from my home planet on to a polar ice cap
4. leapfrogged over a red telephone box just because I could.
Please never start using your powers for evil!
I once had a job as a cleaner in a slaughterhouse. I lasted one day and spent the entire time dodging sheep heads as the slaughtermen missed the bin and chucking cow faces away.
OMG. Leapfrogging telephone booths?! You could've damaged your you-know-what!
Sorry, only just saw this. I will get on it a.s.a.p.
Did all that leapfrogging take place back in your hotpants days? Thankfully your naughty bits are still functional.
Fuckkit, was that cow faces or cow faeces?
Ticker's, a dose of rickkets would have eased the passage over a phone booth, wouldn't it?
Snooze- I know. It's so rare not to have lasting effects. I'm so lucky.
Fewclewz- Haven't seen a 'noddy bike' for decades. Have you seen one in Oz then?
Cheep flakes don't do it for me, gotta be K.C.
Your old man wasn't empathetic to you. Didn't understand.
I used to hand over my dangly bits to one of my mates to hold. I needed the lightness and extra clearance.
I do have a fondness for naff cars. I should get 'Piggy' sorted and ditch the Skoda.
Xtasy- Translation-- 'My brother had one of those'.
Pixie- So true Pixie, you're such an angel..........well you've got wings anyway.......sort of.
Qenny- Whenever justice or humanity can be served by a quick leap over a 'phone booth, I'm there.
I never do that for evil purposes.
Fewclewz- The bikes were OK until I modified them. Twat I was.
Fuckkit- I woke up the other morning with what I thought was a horse head in my bed. Freaked me out. Turned out to be half a cows pelvis that the poodles had dragged in.
Jay- My 'you know whats' are perfectly preserved. As with all things to do with dangly bits, it's best to take precautions.
Turbo- Blimey that was quick. It took me months.
MJ- It was in the hot pants days but only happened at night when I had a few to drink and an appreciative audience.
IDV- I don't need rickets. I can spread my legs at the drop of a hat.
Often have to.
You of course, would mearly drop out of the sky like a sack of gibblets.
You got that broom uprated yet?
did ya keep the fish heads? Woulda made a fine necklace methinks. Warrior-style Tickers.
Muck- A feared worrier indeed, but not a very popular one.
Leap frogging phone boxes - jesus , how f*ing tall are you???
I was six foot one in those days. Previously, I was the under eights champion high jumper for West Hertfordshire. Mind you, I only won that, because another kid in my class was booked for every other event (all of which he won) and would have been double booked for something more prestigious.
Have you grown since or shrunk?
That's not so very tall, good mate of mine (long ago ex-bf) is 6'6" and never showed any sign of leapfrogging anything taller than a bollard.
However did frequently leg it whenever there looked like trouble in the pub, on the basis that "someone always swings for the tall bloke first". And still finds ledging his elbow on my head hilariously funny 25 years after he did it the first time!
I'd love to see the phone booth trick!
I like Corn Flakes too, but not soggy. eww.
Nice to know about you as always T.
Might have shunk a bit. Maybe one inch.
Six foot six! crikey.
You could get your revenge for the 'ledging' by telling all the tall guy jokes, 'what's the weather like up there'etc.
Kyah- I actually contemplated wether, given a bit of training, I could do it again. Not that there would be any point. Decided, even if I could do it, my back would give out on landing.
so what happened to the fish tails? Did someone else sling them out because you specialised in heads? Tell us the whole truth Tickers - you know how i love micro detail.
Fewclewz- I seem to recall a story of you leaping from train carriage to carrage, with a cape shouting batman on each jump. sounds pretty enerjetic to me.
Jane- I was working for a local authority. Fishes tails were another department.
IDV: Cow faces. Faces that have been removed from the cows' head by a large, hairy man with a knife which could, and I quote, "'Ave yer guts out if yer not careful."
Typical bloody local authorities, nothings ever their responsibility.
Unless its fish heads, apparently.
A mental picture of you jumping over telephone booths just will not escape my mind!
Fewclewz- I obviously wasn't listening or it may have been because I heard that story 35years ago. anyway, he was obviously an inconsiderate cunt.
Fuckkit- I know we had alot of trouble with the 'eyes' department who felt we should have sent the heads to them first. There was no proper administrational system for that, so we just slung them in the cart.
That's right, I rememeber now.
I guess Vic failed the 'Batman' audition.
Tick, I will go to the grocery store tomorrow and buy corn flakes in rememberance of you.
I will make sure the kids eat the soggy.
Erm, when you say "military boarding school", is that a euphemism for Borstal?
Is it possible the polio thingie helped you leap telephone boxes? That's a pretty swell party piece, plus the box gives you a tap on the ass? Sweet!
Wow, fuckkit - I see why you only worked that job for one day!
I'll do the tag for my Tuesday post. Gotta go to work
About strappng one on and the seeing to the boyfriend properly, I meant to mention which has a great FAQ about assy business.
ack! Don't do it again. Its better as a fond memory. Plus, I kind of like you all in one piece. We don't want to listen to six months of moaning about "my sore back and my decimated naughty bits!"
I am tempted to leave a large steaming pile of dog shit on the other side of every telephone box i can find.
I always feel so lost in comments here. I'm still thinking about your polio story. I admire you for it and yet I don't know exactly why. I think it has something to do with the fear. You had something stretch your leg out to match the other and you're fine now... you somehow came out just fine and are able to jump telephone booths in a single bound. I'm genuinely impressed Tickers.
When you jumped the phone boxes did you at any point land on your head? It would explain a lot...
*jokes* ;)
Xtasy- Thank you and don't forget to leap over a telephone kiosk on the way. Obviously you can't do it on the way back with all the groceries to carry.
Arabella- Certainly not! Goody two shoes I was.
I was.
Phlegm- Without the polio I would have leapt tall buildings in a single bound. Look forward to the tag.
Will 'puckerup' me google as soon as.
Kyah- You've put me right off with the decimated naughty bits comment.
Pixie- I don't mind landing in dog poo if it's still inside a poodle.
Fewclewz- See above.
Shifty- Nooooo! That American thing we're adopting over here, partially redeamed by not putting in marsh mellow.
Shandi- I know what you mean. It seems so odd. In truth, I was too young to realise just how serious it was. I believed parents and doctors could cure everything. The recovery just reinforced that belief.
Fewclewz- That's the first positive thing you've ever said about that. You used to say I was 'frollicking in a skirt like a girly'.
Tisk, big brothers eh. ;).
Fuckkit- Why you little.....
*Does comedic Oliver Hardy chase after scampering whippersnapper*
Tries to shake strange image created by 'puckering up ones google.
aw, you won't shake that image-- you like it too much.
and I've now got a puckered google. Hey Ho, another embarrasing trip to A&E.
I've got my good broom back now so that clunky old thing has been stuffed at the back of a cupboard. Cake rain should be a thing of the past now (sorry Fuckkit).
Scottish country dancing - was that a phase or an abiding passion?
IDV- I did think your falling comments were very original. Well done.
Fewclewz- Glad I didn't most dancers get poor money and are shagged out by the time they're 30.
Phlegm- Fewclewz is right it was a school requirement.
Well, I'm relieved to hear there's still some shag left in you, tick.
So I am skimming...but still I saw the word dancer.....
*shakes 53 pounds to Tick*
Phlegm- Some, but not many.
Xtasy- 53 pounds, is that weight or srirling?
I've always been good at strutting my funky bottom. Although in recent years my daugter tells me I've lost my snap. Now she says I dance like a 'Dad'. I'll have to go down the gym and quite smoking to see If I've still 'got it'.
Better avoid telephone booths though.
Did you ever leap a phone box in your skirty thing?
Goodness gracious no, I'm not entirely mad.
Kilt. That's the word. Skirty thing, I mean.
hmm. kilt. I wouldn't mind if a guy in one of those leaped over me. I'd say you were pretty smart to work on some skirty skills.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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