Don't ask I don't remember.

Surfer Dude, Fluffy and I have just been causing ourselves a lot of pain by laughing at the final piece of the jig saw puzzle, that had caused us so much stress and arguing last night.
I'm waiting outside the hospital 30mins drive from Pantymonywm. Little Miss has been looking after me. We're both a little confused about the lift home arrangements. I know it's Saturday night and most of our friends are over the alcohol limit. Fluffy has told Little Miss she'll sort out a lift home.
I'm wondering why no one has updated me on my mobile and I'm ringing around trying to find out what's going on.
First I ring Fluffy. As I ring Little Miss's phone rings, she says Hi. I look at her and ask, 'is that Fluffy's phone?'. She says yes.
It turns out, when the police ( I have no recollection of any police) ask if any of us have a phone, I say I've not got mine, even though it's fully charged, full of credit and in my pocket.
My brain, at this stage, is like freshly stirred porrage.
That's why Fluffy gave her phone to Little Miss who took me to hospital.
It only hurts when we laugh.
Ticks... you're lucky you weren't squished in that little tin can you were in.
Hope you're feeling better.
I'm told I was out cold for a worrying couple of minits. Then spent the next 20, (of which I remember nothing), talking shite. I thought I'd just bashed my ears a bit, but I'd got amnesia.
Scary. Is everyone okay?
It was funny today when Surfer Dude and I were poking gentle fun at Fluffy because of the before and after aspect. She had the last laugh, because everytime we pissed ourselves our bodies hurt unmercifully.
"Then spent the next 20, (of which I remember nothing), talking shite."... in other words, just a regular day for you, eh Tickers?
Seriously though, I'm glad you're here and healthy Miss Pontypants.
Oh but this was a special intensive kind of bollox. Repeating 'where are my glasses'. Unable to say who I lived with. what year it is. Surfer Dude says that's just a normal Saturday night for him.
I am just happy you are okay...don't know what I would do with out my tick!
Xtasy- Awwww you say the sweetest things.
Fewclewz- You could be right, it could be devine retribution.
I have to confess, there have been two occasions this week, when I've rang my mobile, only to find it in my pocket.
OMG-I just felt sick when I realized you were talking in the present tense and you really were in an accident!
I hope you are ok and the brain is not too scrambled.
big hugs.
Rats ass, dude! that car took a beating. Good to know you dudes were all 'alright'. Thank you for popping by my place earlier!
...or maybe the whole wreck was punishment of surfer boy for interfering with evil chicken sexually. That short-term-memory thing is a strange function - lots of folks wake up in hospital after accidents and don't even remember being in one. That would suck, 'specially if you were wearing your Sunday panties on a Tuesday, or some such.
Kyah- The brains are slowly returning to normal. Yesterday I was a bit 'not with it' but feel much better today, thank you.
-d thanks I've book marked your place now and will call again.
Phlegm- I know, when I got undressed, I found I was still wearing May's knickers in June. I still don't remember anything about the accidentl.
Yeah, but it had only just changed to June when you had the accident, so your May knickers were still probably relatively fresh. That "change knickers monthly" thing is more a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule. Now, surfer dude should probably change his more like weekly, as his junk probably gets a wee bit funky with all that un-groomedness. I'm just saying...
I hope you are you taking time off work? You probably shouldn't be around falling slag or big industrial rollers with your wits scattered - you might be pulled into the machinery.
REQUEST: What do you DO at your job, anyway? Technically? Run around looking sexay in a hard hat? Do you boss people around? Do you get to dump big crucibles of molten steel? (fun!) Have you ever almost fallen into a vat of deadly stuff? Inquiring minds want to know. You need to do a post telling us what you do, if it's not top secret or anything.
Phlegm- I'm taking the next four days off work. I can't move my head much.
At work I spend most of my time watching sheet steel strip go past. The other stuff is too removed from everyday life to explain without everyone going to sleep.
Shiftclick- There you are, expecting the worst from me.
It wasn't my fault, I was in the back seat. Don't remember anything because my brain was scrambled by the impact. I was unconsious for a couple of minuits after and didn't make much sense after that.
Lawks! You were in the back of that? You'd've got more crash protection on my broom!
I'm glad you're still alive - I don't know if I could cope with you cluttering up the ether...
P.S. Sorry I'm late. Fuckkit'll be devastated - Ha!
IDV- I'm very glad I'm not either cluttering.
Fuckkit's been having problems accessing blogger.
Fewclewz- We should all have the slogan 'Dirty pants for a cleaner planet'.
Shit, man, hope you manage to pick up all the marbles that got shaken around. We wouldn't want you losing them just yet!
I would have sent flowers but i spent all my money on weed and beer. so sorry.
Qenny- I'm not convinced all the loosened marbles are completely back where they belong but I'm sure I'll be OK in a week.
Fewclewz- Belive it or not I was shoe horned into the back seat.
Jungle Jane- Don't feel bad, you had your priorities, there's only so much you can do.
Hey dude-what does the name of your blog mean?
Glad you're ok and you didn't suffer - or, at least, don't remember if you did.
Is Pontyhotpant a made-up place? Like Neverland?
well, you take it easy. We rely on your banter in this nefarious forum.
All I can say is don't laugh then.
Of course that would mean, stop coming by my place, as I am one fucking big ass
What I am really saying is laugh, but dang, don't bust a gut or anything.
Oh fuck!
On first reading, I thought you were talking about something from long ago - then it dawned on me you were talking about the present!
Glad you're alive!
Hope everyone else is too.
*damn. missed the first blog funeral again*
-d- I've found people often speculate about my sexuality. Being the kind of guy who would be comfortabe with what ever my orientation was, I just think it's funny.
l- Pontyhotpant is a suedoname for Pontypool. Pantymonywm is Pontnewynydd. All equally unpronounceable.
In Welsh the pronunciations are;-
y is i
w is u
dd is th
Phlegm- Thanks for the support. nefarious is a bit of a stong word isn't it;)
Xtasy- I'll take my time but hurry up, and laugh but not bust a gut. I think I've got that.
P&T- I've been having trouble getting to your site for my usual dose of humilliation. Glad you could drop by. Sorry about the funeral. I'm not dying until the price of coffins (currently at an all time high) drops to a sensible level.
You were lucky nothing worse happened. Next time you go into such a tiny car, put a helmet on, just in case. You'll probably hit the roof anyway...
ticker when I first met the husband I asked him if he dated women. So, I dig. I just wanted to hear YOU tell me why you choose it. (how are you and the others recovering?)
For great coffin rates, visit . Oh, and these bad boys come pre-blessed so you can dispense with Lord's middleman if you are ultra-cheap. Freaked out before a flight to Seattle once, I exacted a promise from husband that he'd make a tasteful selection from this site rather than some hideous funeral-parlor confection. He said I presumed there would be enough of me to bury after an airline crash. Oh well.
Nefarious? I referred to the wickedness of blogger, not your lovely blog in particular. With plaid underwear and poodle molestation shots, your blog is nothing but sweetness and light. My kind of place!
Mone- I've often though such cars should require motorcycle personal protective clothing. However in this case, even if there room, it would only have made my neck injury worse.
-d- Surfer dude was bad yesterday. Went to A&E to find he had some fractured ribs and a trapped nerve in his shoulder. He Feels much better today.
My neck was also very bad yesterday but seems to be on the mend today. Thank you for asking.
Just checking on you.
I saw your comment at my place. If you decide to take up in line skating, please wait until you're recovered from this and for goodness sake wear a helmet an old people are breakable!
Phlegm- Trappistcaskets. I've taken a peek and it looks good to me.
I'm glad you appreciate the finer points of community entertainement.
Kyah- I'm sure If I follow Sk8r boi's (Surfer Dude) instructions very carefully I'll be back down A&E faster than you can say 'on your toes to stop'.
OMG! Glad you are OK!
Andi- I'm probably better off than if I'd been caught by a mozzi swarm.
I do hope you get better soon poor thing.
i'm writing this in this blogg as you won't be looking at the old blog 'Little Pranks'
If i had genitals like that I would be not be showing it around I would be to ashamed, very small isn't it,
Glad to hear that you're functioning as normal and that everyone else is perfectly healthy.
And they say bikes are dangerous!
I'm a bit late to this, but glad to hear you're ok! Must have been quite a scare.
Anon- We don't know if you'd show your genitals around as you're anonymous. Anyway as P&T point out some are growers not showers.
Convict- Bikers, in my opinion are the most highly trained and competent road users in britain, second only to the police motorcyclists.
Chickybabe- I might well have been scared had I rememebered any of it.
consider this a dollop of cyber-chicken soup.
following phlegmfatale, I'm wrapping a cozy quilt around you. I hope you're feeling better every day. these accidents can have lasting consequences!
Phlegm- I didn't know you were cyber jewish already.
Kyah- I'm feeling all soothed and cosetted.
To Bikers?
Stop Tickers, I can't handle it when people are nice to me!!
Convict- Fuck off you scruffy greasy cunt!
chicken, not matzoh balls, darling.
Phlegm- I thought Jewish mothers always made chicken soup when ever someone was ill?
Anyway much appreciated.
*slurp slurp*
35 to go. Is all I'm sayin'...
Do we at least get pain killers out of this eff up?
Jane- Can't wait.
Fewclewz- I'm not going to feel guilty about not posting for someone who doesn't even maintain a blog.
-d- I'm on pain killers.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Bloody internet ate my comment.
Glad to hear you're alive and only slightly dented, mate.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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