Weston Beach Races - Muck and Mayhem.

Even she, who regularly attends motocross and enduro events, confessed she’d never seen anything like it.We arrived just prior to the entrants riding to the start line. It took several minuets.
We had no idea that a race could be conducted with over 1,000 entrants.
Nothing prepares you for the Start. The sound of 1101 high performance motorcycle engines hitting full throttle in an instant.
Little compares to the perception of speed, down the implausibly long straight, of a bike at 100mph, riding inches from the spectator rail. So close you could reach out and touch them.
I didn't expect to see riders dressed as tigers, dragons, wizards, superman or a naked lady suit complete with pink wig and tutu, riding alongside world class competitors.
And I wasn't prepared for the carbon monoxide poisoning you experience from proximity to so many two stroke engines, in the absence of any kind of sea breeze.
This is the two wheeled equivalent of the Grand National.

And how was Miss Tickers attired?
Oh, how frightfully jolly!
MJ- Miss Tickers?
Fewclewz- Very jolly. It's good to know the silly season extends to October with out having to go to Munich.
Oh my mistake.
I forgot you don't like told to be called Miss Tickers in public.
But back to my question...
What were you wearing?
MJ- Blooming cheek!
I was wearing a matching beige ensemble as befits a man of my years.
You must have looked like Her Majesty.
that's an impressive amount of mud!
MJ- I always look majestic.
I would have liked to have been able to say I was looking sexy in black leather but I don't take my bike test until the end of the year.
Kyahgirl- It's all wet sand. One end of the beach was wetter than the other. Most finished the 3 hour race with no use-able eye wear.
Looks like great fun - at Weston? is that Weston-super-Mare?
Indeedy do.
And terrifyingly two of the muddy nutters are my nephews - really must go and watch some time.
Why am I not surprised?
That looks amazing! Wow. What a great time that must have been, despite choking on exhaust
Great photos!
Great photos!
what a party! wish i'd been there! are your ears still ringing??
I've only got an 'arkwright' shopping bike from the 30's - it would just burrow its way straight through the sand, I'd end up buried...
Hope you had a safe and happy Halloween! Luvs ya!
Fashion designer, Marc Ecko bought the ball this summer, and put the fate of the ball up to a vote.
Gawd, those dirtbike guys are totally hot. *meow* I saw some when I went off-roading in the Hummer a few weeks back.
oh good gravy marie; spam
did you see how beautifully you were referred to on QENNY's blog? go look now. you've made an impression, and it's a good one, my darling. X!
so basically it was another event where men are aspiring to get dirty around heavy machinery. i just don't understand the love of these sports.
oy - Shagnasty - as cute and jolly as these two photos are, they have become Bucking foring!
Giss anuver wun - immediately if not sooner!
That looks so ace!
Also: Where are you? (now, I mean, not in the photos).
Is this thing on?
How weird I found photos JUST like that yesterday... I don't know where exactly as I don't remember ... I think they were from BRAZIL though ho hum... maybe my brain's just addled in a deja-vu kind of sense...
That looks way to messy and noisy for my liking. I hope you had fun though.
I am trying to do catch-up with everyone in the vain attempt to blog something interesting. Needless to say I am failing miserably, so I think I shall just blog any old crap. Facebook is so much easier xxx
This has been like here for ages...
It is now November 24th and still no update.
Well, I suppose you don't have to update ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!
Happy Birthday, Tickers.
Happy Birthday, Tickers!
What's this about a birthday???
*looks perplexed*
Happy birthday, big kiss?
What? I missed your b-day! I hope it was a great one. Now update your blog.
If you can't think what to blog about, I've given you something now: You're tagged! 8 random facts about yourself, please.
Will Tickers ever blog again? Will IDV succeed in bringing him out of his non-blogging exile?
Stay tuned!
Send us a sign.
Hmph. December 9.
I'm guessing you're entangled in a gossamer web of erotic bliss. At least, I hope someone is.
You're getting as good as me at updating you blog m'dear.
Are you trying to compete with me for the longest time not blogging. I have made a kind of effort by the way. Anyway, hope you are O.K. T xxx
Happy Christmas, Tickers.
Happy New Year, Tickers.
*wonders if we'll be wishing him a happy Easter here in this same comments box*
Let me know when you crank this pig back up again. Miss you.
Happy New Year.
Now UPDATE your blog, dammit!
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