The Glorious 12th.

It's interesting to note, the difference in mentality between townies and country folk.
The grouse season is upon us.
On TV, I watched a land owner, or he could have been the game keeper, acting as spokesperson for the grouse shooters. The interviewer, asked if he could answer animal welfare concerns.
Now he could have pointed out how being shot was perhaps favourable, from the birds perspective, to any one of the natural events, which may beset such fowl in middle age. An age, it must be pointed out, which they are very unlikely to survive.
However, in his mind, it didn't occur to him that shooting birds could be a cause of squeamishness amongst those, insulated from the realities of life. He simply assumed, the conditions under which the grouse lived, were at issue.
He answered confidently, secure in the knowledge that, being un-farmed, no welfare issues could be held as his responsibility.
What follows is not verbatim, but gives a flavor of his answer.
"There are no welfare issues, we don't' farm these birds, they live wild in areas set aside. All we do, is set the hounds on them and blast the little fuckers out the sky when they try to escape."
You're not doing your cause any favours mate.
Harsh but fair :-)
The only way to be beasty.
He sounds like he is from Mississippi...that's something we would say.
A graduate of the John Prescott school of diplomacy
and why were you watching gameskeepers and landowners on tv anyway?
you're too sensitive tickers...never mind the suffering of the grouse...most of us just thank God that we don't live within a hundred miles of a Dick Cheney quail shoot and risk him accidentally taking one of our ears off with his bullets.
Actully, fucking hell, I DO live within a hundred miles of Washington DC ....
Awaiting- But would they be talking about grouse or commercial airlines.
Gumpher- Dear John. Life would be a less interesting place with out him, although there would be more room.
Pink Drama- I think it may be English Rose's influence. She's a country lass.
Emmak- Oh yes the unfortunate Dick Cheney incident. Why do people regard Quayle as prey. As fowl go, they are a bit of a snacklette
There's something to be said for not being beholden to anyone...
Phlegmfatale- It's such a position of strength. However, a little diplomacy costs nothing and may save future agrovation.
A few landmines set among the heather would make it even more interesting.
We want to shoot the birds that fly past not the dogs.
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