Another Great Weekend.

It’s surprising what can make a cherished moment.
Excellent meal of duck, new potatoes and cauliflower cheese, alfresco, in very pleasant company.
A patio lit only by ‘T’ tree lights and Chinese lanterns.
We drank mead and listened to folk music.
Talked into the night, cutched* on a wicker settee, wearing old dog walking coats.
It was totally charming.
Life is good.
* Cutched = Welsh word for snuggled.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i am sure the duck wasn't quite so happy??
He would have been pleased to know his demise was a part, of such a feeling of wellbeing.
Did you smell of old dogs?
Old dogs and patchouli oil
I've been wondering where you've been!
and who were you welsh snuggling with? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
just bought two bottles of mead on holiday! dry and's YUMMMMMMY!
Mmmmmm. What a happy post. I love the pics.
Awaiting- I know. Life can seem total shite sometimes, then later a long way down the tracks it all comes good and seems so worthwhile.
First Nations- My English Rose of course.
Mead, very 'moreish'. The original Alcopops.
Snooze- Very contented Tick'.
I am with you in every respect EXCEPT
folk music!!!!
oh dear
And you lost me when you got to the MEAD. But what the hell, it's your weekend. Glad it was a wonderful one.
hey howzit going?? i just saw your comment at jungle jane's and thought i would drop by again ... as for digital cameras i am not one to give advice mine has a flat battery thanxx to need for new charger and when it is charged only speaks german. hmmm how useful
Beast- I know. Neither of us are 'folkies' but at the time the mood was just right. As I said, it's surprising what makes a cherished moment.
Arabella- I could easily grow fat on mead. Sweet and sour alcohol.
Glenwood- I would love it if my camera talked to me in any language. It just sulks and occasionally goes, 'humph'
What a charmed life you lead, Tickers this going to turn out to be some warm-n-wonderful family moment, tick, or was you welshing it with a real human female of consenting age and unrelated genetic background????
sounds AND looks lovely!
Glad you had such a nice time.
Have you been enjoying your Nouvelle Vague, and which one is your favorite? Mine is "In a Manner of Speaking."
frobisher- Wouldn't swap it.
first nations- The latter of course. I'm not local.
la muck- Awwwww indeed. I Like the new avatar.
phlegmfatal- Ripples of appreciation are emanating from Pontypool. It's become a hit at the steelworks and I've received many enquiries about it.
The screachy bit in 'Too Drunk to Fuck' is fun and all the tracks are good.
I've taken the trouble to go through the lot and have to agree with you. 'In a manner of speaking,' is the best.
so how did you manage to make time rewind, tickers? i need to know!
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