Emotional Inertia - Discuss.

I’m breaking my own rule again by blogging under the influence of alcohol.
But tell me, (no don’t tell me you can’t start a sentence with the words ‘and’ and ‘but’) is there such a thing as emotional inertia?
If someone is prone to getting emotional at the drop of a hat, are they also likely to have quick emotional healing.
Get upset quickly then be fine quickly.
Conversely, is it true, that those who seem to be more emotionally robust, are much more devastated when things, they have finally committed to, go pear shaped?
My blog is a testament that you can start sentences with 'but' and 'and ' rules are for the weak.
I am posting a comment while under the influence.
Let's form a club.
I would have to say Yes there is such a thing, if only to rationalise my mood swings.
I think that posting under the influence should be mandatory. I think that some people seem to have it together and then it's true, when something bad happens, they fall to pieces. But, I also feel that people who are truly emotionally healthy are able to obtain equilibrium most of the time.
"If someone is prone to getting emotional at the drop of a hat"
You?? Dropped?? A?? Hat??
How could you??How could you??
*sobs in the corner at fate of said hat*
I dunno, tickers. Yeah, maybe the slow to react people are just incredible bottlers and it all comes tumbling out when the dam breaks.
Old Knudsen- In that case, I'll start sentences with, 'iwrkkql'.
Awaiting- I hereby conceive of the Booze Bloggers Club.
IDV- I thought it was all down to your refusal to wear the HRT patches.
Snooze- Seriously, I'm not sure I agree. I know some very 'together' people who can crumble big time, for no obvious reason. Others who get a little upset often , don't seem to get deeply upset about anything. Maybe I'm wrong but it's just my observation. Perhaps it needs more testing.
SID- I HATE YOU! Maybe not.
Phlegmfatal- I haven't thought this through. That's why I said 'Discuss'. All ideas welcome.
Yes, people whose emotions are a rollercoaster do change quickly, and it is true about emotionally stable people getting gutted when things go pear shaped.
Dr Frobisher- Firstly, congratulations on your recen't medical qualification. I'm assuming you're not one of those quack Dr's that appear to remove internal organs with their bare hands, or that suggest the client drink their own wee wee. The biggest waste of £435 I ever spent. Or perhaps you're just one of those new pretend university graduates with a Doctorship in Bacardi Breezers.
Anyway, I'm sure your qualification is indicative of your opinion having elivated status, on account of your having agreed with me.
I am sure 'Dr' Frobisher is the type to make you take your trousers off for a sore throat !
Those who are on an emotional roller coaster have yet to reach emotional maturity and are probably stuck emotionally in their teens (guess who has been watching the Big brother phsycology show ???)
I call it being emotionally stunted. I know one or two people like that.
NO, I'm not talking about me. Now just leave me alone you miserable bastard.
oh crap, i'm booze blogging too.
people that spaz at the least little thing never get over anything. their lives are just one big series of greater or lesser dramas. gaaaah i hate people like that.
*bursts into tears*
You haven't started menopause yet, have you, Tickers?
Beast- An authoritive show if ever there was one.
However, I feel there's more to it. Five years ago my emotions were quite manic. It was a time of big change for me. Now I'm more settled, my emotions are hard to move.
Pissoff- Thank you for that insight. *ahem*
First Nations- Good point and I'm glad to see you've synchronised PMS with Pissoff.
TGF- Can't stop, hot flush.
Well, to elaborate on what I said in another direction, the people for whom the shit is constantly coming down are already in a perennial crisis mode and often have learned simply to roll with the punches.
Change that which you can and accept that which you can't
Wow, that old military hat...it screams of 80s Cold War...
And what, pray tell, am I supposed to do but knit and watch Dr. Who? English Rose is right: WATCH THE WHO!
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