"Ich bin ein Berliner"

It's possible to include Berlin Cathedral, the Fernsehturm and The Imperial Royal Palace in one shot.

Take one hotel court yard, add a lift in the middle, surround lift with tubular fish tank. How cool is that?

Little Miss, "What does it taste like?"
Tickersoid, "Iron. It tastes like the cooling water at the steelworks."
Little Miss, "You mean like teaspoons?"
Tickersoid, "I'm not sure what you mean."
Little Miss tastes water.
Little Miss, "I thought so, it tastes like teaspoons."
Tickersoid's guide to Berlin.
Bicycles are allowed on the U-bahn (subway).
Berliners are big on bicycles.
You can chain a bike up with it's lights attached all day and no one will steal your bike or lights or kick in the wheels.
Because of the bike culture, there are no fat people.
You can also bring your dog on the U-bahn.
German announcements are, unlike the more chipper British chimes, preceded by a death knell.
If you want air-con, you have to eat in Star Bucks. We have been living on cake, coffee and ice-cream for three days. We are now 16 stone and unable to sleep.
Motorcyclists don't have to wear a crash helmet.
The rules of the road are different in each half, this causes confusion and consequent accident's.
East Berlin is now shiny and new.
West Berlin is shabby in comparison.
Suppression of vegitation in urbun areas is meagre, consequently there is a 'post apocalyptic' look to the place.
Very little litter, lots of graffiti.
A lot of flats are made from prefabricated concrete and yet it works and actually looks attractive. My suspicion is that, unlike the British buildings of similar construction, the Krouts stuck to the rules and didn't cut corners with the steel corrosion proofing, the mix of the concrete or the burning off of steel lugs that didn't align on construction.
Being a reunited city, there are two of everything, that there should only be one of, such as two zoos and two airports.

So, didja go sneek a look at der place off yer birf??
No, it's bloody miles away. We even canceled a trip to Hamburg.
Glad you're having an adventure. I was starting to wonder where you was.
I'm struggling to find blog time. Too much DIY going on.
Loving Little Miss's purple hair!!
Oh, and Germany looks nice too. I bet you ate a lot of schnizel, right?
And you have sunshine! And a holiday!
Looks fab
There you are! I was about to send out a search party. It looks like a fabulous trip. Now I want to see Berlin.
Jungle Jane- Dunno, but if they sell it in Star Bucks, we probably ate it.
Lippy- It is fab'. Though I'd advise you don't mention the war.
Snooze- They even have a beach full of sand sculptures. Don't ask me how.
Wow, I've always wanted to go to Berlin - lucky you.
Hear that the nightlife is "fun" too :)
Young daughter that doesn't drink. Night life meant downing a few Pils whilst the night porter explained, with diagrams, the entire history of Europe. How his mother, being born just prior to the 1/5/1920 cut off point, became the last Countessa..blah ..blah....ZZZZZZZZ
1. you are a donut
2. your daughter is very very tall
3. germany needs weeding
now buy a pair of binoculars and start blogging, tick!
That underground station makes my digs look like a hairy arm pit
Trust me, Cardiff digs today are a lot better than they were in the early '70's when you didn't even get a fridge as standard.
FN- My front room is now out of control. What started as, 'fix the leaky radiator and change the carpet, has now become.
Move the radiator, change the plumbing to larger bore, discard all redundant plumbing, remove all redundant wiring, build pillars either side of window to hide old plumbing, rebuild fireplace to look cool, amend skirting boards to suit, repaint everything....oh and change the carpet.
In the mean time my adorable sister has gone on holiday and I've volunteered to look after her two big dogs.
When have I got time to blog.
On an entirely different note, that new bike of yours has made me jealous.
Little Miss is a giant! With good hair btw...
Nice one sausage.
There are an awful lot of erections in your photos, Tickers. Did the 1% take them?
I could just eat a battenburg about now - perhaps not one that big, though.
Le Muck- I'm feeding her on a special formula. Unfortunately, one of the side effects is purple hair.
Inexlicable DeVice- How very dare you!
Sweet, sickly, garish cake, yuck.
Little Miss will not thank you for taking a photo that shows her with a double chin. Couldn't you have framed the shot so we could see a bit more of her legs?
Did you see people carrying small dogs in handbags on the U-bahn? What do they call German shepherds in Germany?
Only saw big dogs. I didn't see a GSD nor do I know what they call them. There was a doberman or as I call them SGD. (Scary German Dog)
wait a minute...that's 'UnterBahn', right?
*dissolved in a heap of giggles*
'unterbahn'! omg, unterbahn! whadda buncha dorks!
*cracks another lager...*
what's so funny about UnterBahn?
um...because it's....it sounds funny?
oh fine.
Everything in German sounds funny. It's such a long winded language. Thats why they lost the war.
For instance if I shouted, "Look out Ted!" There would be a chance that Fritz might take timely evasive action.
However, should I shout, " Schauen Sie aus Shultz!" The poor chap would be laid to waist before he understood his peril.
It's possible that the Americans pitching in with a spot of help might, also have helped a bit.
all i can say is looks like y'all had a fab holiday, wish i could have been there. i don't get the unterbahn joke either, but then again, it was first nations, and her sense of humor, while wicked, takes some explaining on most days.
More pictures!
thank you.
Little Miss is quite a pretty young lady!
Love the pictures of course and missing you! Can't wait to get active internet again.
Are you still eating Batty cake??
ohhh that sounds rude...
Hey Lady- Just for you, I've tagged on some more pictures.
First Nations- I've just noticed I've retrospectively changed Fritz's name to Ted but missed out the second usage so my sentence doesn't work. I'd been drinking.
So it should have read,
For instance if I shouted, "Look out Ted!" There would be a chance that Ted might take timely evasive action.
So, beer explains everything.
Awaiting- Good to see you again. Missing you too.
If you don't get Internet access soon, I'll have to assume there is no God.
Junglyjane- I keep my batty cake in a pink sock.
I love your Berlin Pics Mr T! I only just saw them as I have been ill and had to keep going to sleep. I was there in 1989... its true and a different story
Did you see the wall come down? Did you see the Hoff?
That must have been amazing.
The middle Giraffe looks as though it has been caught in quicksand. The ducks look as though they are skirting a whirlpool. Dangerous zoo, that.
he's a fuckin' donut!
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