Racing Pigeon.

Continuing on the subject of birds. I was recently on a high area of the galvanizing line with Voice or Reason. We found the 'dining table' for what our janitor advised, was a peregrine falcon. Amongst the inedible body parts, was a ringed claw. I kept the ring and checked it out on the net. Apparently it belonged to a racing pigeon based in Stroud. Clearly this racer wasn't fast enough to evade the falcon.
I notified the appropriate society and received an email suggesting, as the bird was dead, I should feel free to dispose of the body. Not much of a body to dispose of, but then again, I could make it into a handy back scratcher.
A few days later I was telling this tale to a friend when he countered with another pigeon tale. He knew of a bird racer who had an incredibly fast pigeon. Unfortunately, it was a bugger to catch, so the clocking in times were nothing special. On one occasion, the bird returned in such an astonishingly quick time, the owner felt he had only one option.
A quick blast with a shotgun had the bird recording it's first and last win.
Well what else could he do with it?
All I can think of is to ask you...have you ever been pooped on by a bird?
Seriously no fun.
I recall when I was about 10, sitting astride my bicycle. I turned my body 160 degrees to my right to comment to someone. This required me to let go of the handle bars with my left hand. You've guessed. As I returned my hand , not more than two seconds later, it had been bird pooped on.
I had no idea the Welsh were such a blood thirsty lot.
The Welsh have a reputation for cruelty to animals.
I hate pigeons - except wood pigeons which are nicely round and waddle along the ground, its town pigeons that really upset me.
i'm with frobi. town pigeons, barn pigeons-gaah! dirty, pink-footed poop factories. yay falcon!
a grouse has no business flying since it is gallinaceous and should stick to being fried in breading, particularly spruce grouse (grice? grouses?)which are both yummy AND unbelievably retarded. blast away!
Re the bird pooping on you. I had the dubious pleasure. I was doing stuff inthe garden and I though some leaves dropped on me. 2 hours later I was washing my hand in the bathroom before tean and noticed I had been got by a giant pigeon and it had dried and gone all crusty. Ew.
Aren't there rules about presenting dead pigeons?
Frobisher- Hail Ken Livingstone.
First Nations- I spoke to the janitor this morning and he told me there are several Peregrines on site, mostly living on pigeons.
Mental Mac- I'm confused. Presenting pigeons? do you mean as in presenting for food? I rather fancy mine in some sort of burger.
City pidgeons.......yurk , they always have deformed feet with bits missing....horrible bloody things
No one knows what happens to their feet. Perhaps it's from trying to land on the ledges full of pigeon preventing spikes.
I didn't know there was such thing as a racing pigeon.
beast and tick: it's a bacteria disease caused by standing around crapping on their own feet called 'bumblefoot'. YAY FALCONS YET AGAIN!
i see several types of falconid coming through here but the only one that i'm sure nests is the little sparrowhawk. (a falcon despoite the name) sparrowhawks, by the way, are all named 'Chuck'.
new post, new post...
I am just dying to hear more about the birdies and their slaughter.
poor little birds. around here, they're more likely to be fried by light lines.
Rather more entertaining than the shotgun approach, would be setting Dastardly & Muttley on the dirty, filthy pigeons.
Oh christ, that second-to-last line just kills me. Pun intended.
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