Oh, For Fucks Sake!

Long story short.
- Tickers buys MP3.
- MP3 doesn’t work.
- Tickers calls manufacturer, who after going through the, 'what has the stupid customer done wrong now procedure' advises me to put it in the box with out accessories and stick the receipt to the outside and wait for their courier. I’m told not to post it, they have to use their courier.
- Wait in all day courier doesn’t come.
- Phone manufacturer arrange new day.
- Courier collects MP3.
- Receive letter from repairer requiring proof of purchase.
- Phone repairer, tell them receipt stuck to outside of box as requested.
Tickersoid, “But I did exactly what you insisted I do. I’d have sent it by post with the receipt inside the box.”
Help desk. “I’m sorry sir, but you shouldn’t have sent the actual receipt just a copy. The receipt must have been lost in despatch.”
Tickersoid, “But you insisted on this courier not me.”
Help desk, “I’m sorry sir there’s nothing we can do unless we have a receipt.
- I ask them not to return the player for two weeks whilst I organise a replacement receipt.
- Tickers obtains receipt. Photocopies it and sends to repairer within 4 days.
- Two days later, courier arrives with boxed MP3.
- Inside is a note saying they’ve returned it unmended because they didn’t receive proof of purchase.
But what makes me beside myself with annoyance, it that the box, has my original fucking receipt, still stuck to the outside, just how I sent it.
Geeks in a call centre. How bad can mankinds future become?
Typical customer services for you nowadays.
Just be glad you don't have to deal with NTL
Coulda bin worse, the assistance centre coulda bin in Bombay!
tickers, you seem a little...stressed. have you tried masturbating?
... this is our future Mr F... imagine a phone ringing in a call centre - forever and ever and ever...
Agree. Retards.
Cunts more like it.
Dx- Ultimately all problems are management problems. I've always found this company to be particularily poor. Their products are the most unreliable from my experience.
Convict- NTL are cunts but Philips are worse. I've done a post on both.
Fewclewz- True. I now feel so much happier.
Jungle Jane- Short answer....Yes.
Mutleythedog- Who's Mr F?
Pissoff- If only I posessed your eloquence.
Time to name names. I'll boycott that company and tell them why. Ridiculous.
Fewclewz: My father has a Dell laptop and the customer service centre is in India. Believe it or not, my father had exemplary service the two times he's had to call. I bet they would have found the receipt!
oh. my. damn! too funny.
what color is the mp3 player? i bet it's pink, isn't it? pink to remind you of your favorite southern belle. aww how sweet!
They're not retards - they're just assholes.
Snooze- There can't be many company's left that you haven't boycotted:-)
My feeling is that Philips suffer from poor management. That's why their products are unreliable and why customer service is bad. They aren't evil. However, none of us want this sort of thing. So don't boycotte on principal, just do it to avoid poor products and services.
Pink Drama- It's black. Although I have stickers to give it a pink option.
Plegmfatal- Good point.
I've spoken to a nice Dutch guy called Gerrit. Unlike my previous Philips contacts, he seems genuinely horrified at my treatment and has promised to put it right. I'll follow this up on Thursday.
I feel you pain!
So many runaway children, 15 year old girls who landed on the streets of Hollywood and elsewhere, ended up prostituting themselves.
This is a topic that nicely illustrates how god is preditory on children, for not only did they popularize the notion of casual sex back in the 60s they instructed Artificial Intelligence to desensitize young women. Now we have people prostituting themselves through college and even choosing to turn tricks in high school.
I suspect it ocurrs far more frequently then they will admit:::I suggest parents inquire about the status of their female children.
Sadly, far too often these parents also are corrupted, and they think their daughters are earning by corrupting these young men.
god is preditory on children::::
-Child molestation/sexual abuse (life was decent before)
-Halloween -Christmas -Easter -Candy -Sugary breakfast cereals -Soda
-Free sex 1960s, which continued until the intentional AIDS scare.
-Preditory cartoons.
-This tempation-based popular culture is targetted at the young people:::::It creates "open doors" which are designed to manufacture dysfunctions by conditioning them with peaked euphoria ("magic").
Homeless runaways go to Hollywood - gods making a statement/offering a clue about this industry.
The gods place no importance in these individuals. Only this Manifest Destinty society does.
And since there are multiples for each movie none of them are important.
Romans were used as monsters. They were terrorists who raped the region.
Like the Scandanavians.
Like the Pawnee.
Like the Japanese.
Like all the others whom I fail to list.
People today have much in common with the mideval Europeans who were victimized by the Scandanavians:::::
Between the celebrity culture and the gangster positioning that is Manifest Destiny we have OUR Vikings, violators who who raped, pillaged and plundered our society to the brink of the Apocalypse with their corruption and themes that encouraged social deterioration.
good god, I hope you blew up their building or something!
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