Ecology - The New Religion.

If you want to make any difference to global meteorological conditions, you could try dressing like a hippy, strapping antlers on your head and dancing around a pole.
Alternatively, you could avoid using the ‘stand by’ facilities on your electronic equipment.
I’m sure both methods are equally effective.
New Religion?
What a load of crap.
I'm sure not eveyone will agree with me.
We feel so impotent against the forces of nature. Consequently, like the Pagans, we invent ways to influence them
what happens if you do both?
*adjusts antlers*
I am mysteriously drawn to the idea of dancing around a pole. But would have to decline the offer of antlers.
oh fuck global warming. i like the heat. everyone should use way more aerosols...
Naked pagans are usually fat redheads called Raven, don't save the earth save the waistlines of those who insist on running round naked.
Both methods may well help save the Planet.......but the method pictured looks to be so much more interesting.........
First Nations- Don't try that at home. You'll only get the antlers stuck in the TV aerial.
Arabella- Strangely, naked women dancing around poles is one pagan ritual which seems to have remained in widespread use.
Jungle Jane- I give you George W. His administration is almost entirely populated with arseholes.
Old Knudsen- If you're gonna run around naked in this country, best you carry a little fat.
Fewclewz- Be honest, it's not what they're doing, it's the semi-nakedness with which they do it that appeals.
Come to think of it, I've been semi-naked with me head in a bush.
Happy days.
I don't know about the antlers...but dressing like a hippy sounds thrilling.
Can I hot glue sequins and beads to my antlers? Would that be even more effective?
Welcome back Awaiting, we've all missed you.
Not sure about the gay horn decor'. Maybe you should consult this lot.
You know, what baffles me about the wide-eyed acceptance of any hare-brained morsel to fall from the lips of the annointed Al Gore is that this environmental apocalypse is taken with earth-shaking gravity when the same people would laugh their asses off at Christians who shriek about a God-generated apocalypse. Fucking drama queens, the lot of 'em.
awaiting thinks her antlers are cuter than mine. i disagree.
i'm guessing fn gave you her permission to post this picture of her?
I have thrown out my vibrator as batteries are evil. Must go back to the real thing I suppose.
Alas, dear, Tick...I am no longer in Mississippi...seems I have downgraded and opted for a more simple pleasnat life (cough) in the woods of Arkansas.
Please feel sorry for me...I do.
Pink Drama- So Awaiting and you are locking antlers over the cuteness of your antlers.
Not FN, note, no tat's.
Snooze- Anything that powers an MP3 player cannot possibly be evil. You are safe to return to your buzzy bunny.
Awaiting- I feel your pain. Are your kind welcome there? You know, people who aren't married to their cousins.
I think the poles might get annoyed at people dancing around them all the time. Still, serves them right for wanting to be in the EU but not wanting to get rid of all their antiquated homophobic attitudes.
Oh, sorry. Was I axe-grinding just then?
I haven't flushed the bog today - am I helping?
Qenny- Don't worry, here at 'He's got to be a bit gay' we are grind friendly.
Frobisher- I'm not sure, perhaps from a Pagan point of view it might help if you daubed your body in shit and sat in a Morris Minor made from wicker.
Flamin' Aida, Tickers!
There must be some pirate vibe going on... We be yellin' YAR! Down these parts for a few months now, YAR! Very satisfying, esp. if accompanied by Country Pirates (ARRR That be ciderrrr followed by Rum chasers, that it is, that it is...
My housec**t goes on about saving the planet, uses Ecover, and then sneaks down to the basement to use the dryer... Am going to relish bringing that one up, yar!
Have you heard of Mooncups? All the yoghurt weavers at Uni used to push those on everyone... *shudder*
yoghurt weavers
I like that.
No, I be never hearing of mooncups, arrrgh. Shiver me pieces of eight.
I am converted and would like tojoin!! Where do I sign?
tickers - awaiting just flashes her boobs at everyone, and they forget their objections. they're too busy trying to research their family tree to see if she's marraige material.
And then the Pagans sometimes have rituals with fringe benefits. I am STILL laughing over that bicycle seat invention.
Mutley- We're talking religion here. You don't sign up like the army or brownies (A sinister paramilitary organisation if ever there was).
Pink Drama- Respect. She knows how to work a crowd, that girl.
Hey Lady- I hope you're not refering to the sacrificing of virgins. God knows there's precious little of them around here as it is.
As for the bicycle, I'm sure if you fitted an adapter it could pump it's own tyres up.
Being a witch, I suppose I ought to join one of these two. However, bracken & hay are very chafing so the first one's out, And I nearly did join the second one before I realised it's a governmental cult. With an L.
IDV- I'm sure you could develope your own cult. Something esoteric involving scented candles and lush fabrics.
I've decide to take my environmentalism to a personal level and only emit lilac scented vapors.
TGF, do we have to plug you in?.
I prefer saving electricity the old fashioned way, by not bathing during the winter months and just rubbing myself in goose fat and sewing myself into my clothes. Then, come spring, I cut myself out of my stinking garments, strap antlers onto my head and dance around a pole.
Emmak, Oh Yes, the old ways are still the best ways as my old mum used to say.
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