Nu In Bu Big Tins Comin Acha

Yes I know, it’s probably something to do with a late life crisis, like getting my motorcycle licence recently.
There’s a surprising amount of good music coming out of the ‘kids’ station. Yes, some of it is dire, irritating and shouty, and some of the mixing is overdone, but like most stations it plays good and bad. I find it rewarding to expose myself to fresh material now and again.
But the most surprising thing about R1 is the quality of the Disc Jockeys. It would seem that to qualify as an R1 DJ, one must first have a particular irritating and unattractive voice and talk in an unrecognisable and extreme variation of a regional accent such as Jafakan, at a speed that requires extreme concentration from the listener. However, should you be prepared, as I was, to concentrate and listen, you’ll be rewarded with a stunning realisation.
They talk utter gibberish.
Tony Blackburn and Dave Lee Travis were inclined to witter on a bit but they would turn in their graves at today’s lot. (were it not for the fact that those elder masters of pop, aren’t actually dead yet)
With such a poor command of English, it’s surprising they can get any kind of job without being Eastern European crop pickers, let alone a prestigious well paid one.
I’ve never heard anyone talk like this, it’s some kind of Ali G parody.
Take the title.
“Nu’n bu’ big t’ins comin’ a’cha.”
That was one of the few lines I understood. The rest seemed to employ words you won’t find in any dictionary or words in inappropriate contexts (or vice verca) , grammar from another planet and an absence of content in favour of style (or should that be stylee). Who really want’s to know that
Worse still, being the BBC, there aren’t any adverts, so the gibber seems endless.
So if any Radio One MC’s are reading this.
Just shut up and play something!
Ther , there , there Mr Ticks , straigten out your cardy , unwrap a fresh werthers original and settle down to a nice bit of radio two. you know too much stimulation is not good at our time of life.
I'm sure this isn't just about me being an old git. I'll consult Little Miss this afternoon.
It's crawling with idiots.
Annie Mac - is either my long lost child or my adsolescent self reincarnated, it's spooky!
"I find it rewarding to expose myself"...
Mind you don't get caught by the authorities.
When the crowd says bo say 'what, I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're asking me to do?'
I always find that when the 'youth' of today diss you for bein totalleee uncool (or what ever it currently is for 'bogus')
that you sweetly reply, I earn more than you, and at least have chance of owning a house. They soon shut up.
Well, I consulted Little Miss and she confirmed that late night weekend DJs on R1 are shit. Apparently no one listens at that time so quality is compromised. I listened to todays shows and they're fine. I have no problem with Chris Moyles, Dick and Dom' or That blond bird with no chin who used to be on in the morning. It's the Gangsta rap guy who sounds like either Harry Hill or Austin Powers with a slight tinge of Jamacan and others of his ilk who are trying to sound ultra cool.
My daughter won't listen to R1 late night. She's still a teenager.
I hate Westwood. I'd like to see him pimped.
Phlegmfatal- Place is going to the dogs if you ask me.
Lippy- You are so right! It's very spooky.
MJ- You've got a mind like a Punjabi sewer. You're very welcome here.
Mr Gaskins Curiosity Emporium - Westwood is possibly one of the worst offenders.
Westwood is a tit.....MJ put your knickers back on you will catch cold
I was going to summerise the essence of Westwood but I think you've captured it in one word Beast.
Yes, I get vaguely embarassed listening to R1 night time. It's a shame Ali G didn't kill off the Sunny Delight Gangsta t'ing the same way that Harry Enfield's "Smashie & Nicey" ended the saccharine shit of DLT, Kid Jensen, Mike Reed, etc.
But Big up da Grooverider Drum & Bass show!
Wha'pen Ticker ya na gone soft on us! seen?
It's strange frobi. The DJs seem to see Ali G as an aspiration instead of a parody to be avoided.
I love dance music. Rule of thumb, a tune shouldn't go for more than two bars without changing something.
I'm afraid I'm at the age where I listen to those easy rock stations which just go round and round on a loop with no DJs...bliss!
They only have 5 songs on their playlist - they have to fill the airwaves with something...
Oh yes there's that rap/hip/hop shouty thing where the guys in the back ground shout Ohhhhhh at the end of each bar, such as;-
You are right Mr T, its terrible in the evenings and daytime radio 1 is much better and funnier... But who am I to speak? I prefer Radio 4 in the evenings...
Radio 4 is cool.
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