
Would that be an anagram of 'Doctor Who' then?
I was persuaded to watch this for the first time last night. I've no idea what it was about but it sure looked like fun.
Starts off with a fish faced guy driving a Chrysler Crossfire. I think he (or is it she or it) is some kind of alien, anyway, 'he' seems to be well acquainted with the highway code and stops at traffic lights. Incidentally, if I had a face like a fish or was an invading alien, I'd probably not choose an open top sports car for transport. Towards the end of the clip, you can tell from 'Fish Face's accent, that he's probably not and alien, but more likely a public school boy. Just goes to show the dangers of upper class in-breeding.

The added fun is trying to work out which part of Cardiff, each scene is shot.
Have you seen it yet? What do you think?
Torchwood is pure genius obviously. I have not missed an episode yet.. since the very first.
Yes, sort of Dr Who for grown ups.
I knew you'd like it!
i don't know if it plays here but i've heard mention of it. alien fish driving in cardiff to meet their boyfriends sounds like good fun.
Fewclewz- Don't tell me you've had series II before us?
FirstNations- Typical Welsh Saturday night some would say.
Does the public school boy get his bottom spanked?
If so, I'm tuning in.
I'm afraid Public School Fish gets his brains shot out. Similar to spanking but more persuasive.
Yuk, Torchwood. I don't care if Spike/Adam Ant is in it - The fact that Barrowman is still clumsily lumping his way through the show, hamming it up, is enough to put me off.
Primeval, on the other hand is a tour de force!
Everybody shags everybody on Torchwood. I like TEH SEX as much as anyone, but after a while, one needs PLOT.
Hello, again, after a LONG absence!
Bugger plot. I want it back on the telly and I want it now!
Those bastards bunged it on for 3 or 4 eps then whipped it off when some swine alerted them to the fact that Cap'n Jack is an equal opportunity shagger.
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