Glut After the Foxes Have Gone.
My theory is that when the steelworks tidied up to make us look professional, it destroyed a lot of cover for the foxes. With so much open land the other wild life, of which there is a surprisingly large quantity, thrived.
These pictures were all taken on site, on a whim, without having to wait for something to happen. The duck warning triangles are genuine.
If you need an Easter bunny feel free to help yourself.
I'm feeling really blase about the easter holiday as I have (count them) three weeks off! - ok it's probably the last paid holiday I will have in my life but what the hell!
that's precisely what happened at the Biker's loomimimum plant...they took over the surrounding forest and farmland for about three miles all around the site and inside the gates now it's The Peaceable Kingdom, only with a smelter going in the background.
since they are on a cliff next to Puget Sound, they have seals, otters and killer whales just off the dock, too. all of which is completely wasted on the Yummy Biker, working nights in the ore pit.
They look like Geese to me... the ducks not the rabbits. Obviously.
Lippy- I reckon your cooker is going to take a hammering.
First Nations- Our works is built on a bog so we have moore hens and suchlike. Everyone is busy so the wildlife thrives. It seems a little sad sometimes when industrial demands cause areas of marsh to be filled with blast furnace slag to act as steel storage areas.
Mutleythedog- I'm no twitcher but I think the geese are geese and the birds that look like ducks are indeed ducks.
Tickers seems to be developing a worrying fascination with small creatures......
Aren't you the lucky one to work at such a nice place. Outdoors, anyway!
Aw, those make for cuter Easter pics than the last post!
We've got a bunch of rabbits in one of our city parks, near the zoo. People thought it would be a good idea to release theirs over there when they no longer wanted them and now they're overrunning the park with their little poop pellets and also eating all the ground cover.
Are any of them rabid? Can birds catch rabies?
Beast- I have no special interest in the beasts.
Fifth Floor- South Wales is full of natural beauty.
Snooze- Gotta mix the rough with the smooth.
I- Part of our works has been invaded by domestic bunnies that have mated with the wild ones and thrived.
Mutters- I dunno! Why you ask?
Get yourself an air rifle and you can eat well, quite cheaply.
The thought has crossed my mind but my kids would never forgive me. Anyway, I'd probably just wing it then be tormented by the thought of the mother dying slowly infront of it's litter who then starve to death.
Oh, I had to come along to your blog when I was feeling really hungry and see pictures of gorgeous, tempting bits of food, didn't I?
Love the duck and ducklings signs.
Just worried about rabid birds - thats all...
I've known a few rabid birds in my time.......but I've always put it down to the booze!
Ticks......Only way I can comment on your blog is as anonymous????? Even changed my password and shit like that but it's having a hissy-fit, so yah, Booh and sucks!
All I see is a yummy Easter dinner.
What was I supposed to see?
Qenny- One mans meat is another mans...
Mutley- I'm worried about rabid dogs.
Few'- Maybe it's something to do with the rabid birds or the booze.
Awaiting- Clearly no shortage of carnivors visit the tickosphere.
I didn't believe you about the signs until I looked more closely. They are real!
I get a real kick out of things like that, firstly it pleases me immensely that someone has been sufficiently considerate of ducks for it to occur to them to make a sign in the first place, and secondly (and I like this even more) the fun triple triangle nature of it is also a spirit-warming example of where people have clearly tried to slip some fun past the miserable penny-pinching twats which exist in every single industry, and succeeded.
For every inspired sign like that, there are ten with all the ducks in one big triangle, and 5000 with no ducks in no triangle, and an administrator saying "Make a sign, warning drivers, for the benefit of ducks? Are you fucking crazy? You're lucky I don't run you over! Get back to your cubicle, wage slave!"
I remember seeing these very duck signs back in the 1960's, long before I ever visited Wales. It was on the Esther Ranson Show. In those days the works was owned by British Steel. I doubt you'd get away with it these days.
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