The View Out of my Kitchen Window.

There I was, just about to publish the view out of my kitchen window as tagged by Frobisher, when I receive a letter from McDonald's, Informing me that my youngest, Little Miss had won the grand prize in the Bee Movie, 'Draw One.....Plant one....' Competition.
First prize is a choice of 3 professional garden makeovers.
She has to accompany me for the official planting day......which is a bit of a problem.
She won the 3 to 12 year old catagory.
As she's 18 next month, how are we going to suppress the vast mountain range that is her bust?

You have a good window view - I am still struggling with the technical difficulties of photography...
I don't mean to snoop but why oh why did she enter a competition for 3 - 12 year olds? Maybe you could borrow someone elses daughter top pass off as your own- someone closer to the age group? No I am not volunteering to loan one - anyway she is fifteen and would face the same bosom problem...
yoiks, shaggy!
nice view, problematic boobs. nothing comes simply for the Welsh, does it? geezly christmas.
whats up with the double-gated road with the razorwire on top of it? are you incarcerated?? *fanning self briskly* oh MY.
Mutters- She only did the competition to distract herself from the awfulness of the 'Happy Meal'.
FN- The double-gated road with the razorwire on top of it, is the eyesore of the post office sorting depot which spoils my otherwise idyllics view.
Why do the Welsh need a post office when we have email now?
Just to let you know TS is now no more. I am now Supermum, Psycho Bitch with a new permanent blog. Feel free to link to me now as I am NOT going to change it.
Mutley stole my reply. I was going to suggest that you borrow someones daughter.
MJ- To deliver the stuff you buy online.
Supermum, psycho bitch- I really should tidy up my links. Will visit you soon.
Problem with the server. I'm able to leave a comment but unable to view your blog.
Two words: Duct tape
I can lend you an 11 year old if you like.
Rimshot- It'd have to go somewhere.
Lippy- Would she break down under interrogation?
Perhaps you could hire Jeannette Krankie for the day? Only don't let the judges get too close unless they fall in her wrinkles.
Inexplicable DeVice- Don't be silly, everyone knows Jeanette Krankie is a small cheeky boy.
how are we going to suppress the vast mountain range that is her bust?
tie it down with an old sheet and put her in a buggy!
Good luck!
I heard the Jeremy Vine show and the topic was girls entering puberty early - just pass her off as an example - quote a few latin words to explain her condition. People are too PC to quiz these days.
Nice view ticks!
Emma- I'm having trouble locating industrial strength buggies.
Frobisher- Thank you Frobi. Good answer. Even though I've never forgiven Ron Jeremy Vine for usurping Jimmy Young. Just because he had a bigger willy.
Your just showing off with that view . Make the daughter wear a barbie ensemble for the ceremony :-)
Yes I am. I've deftly avoided the huge eyesore of a post office sorting depot to the left.
Come and check out my blog Tickers. There is not stopping me at the moment. xxx
I'm not going over there, the clowns will get me.
Can you borrow some other kid? Maybe pick up a babysitting gig for the day? Find yourself a 3 year old who isn't going to be all that good at talking yet and then shove their mouth full of fries and VOILA!
I fear the kid substitution strategy has so many flaws. They might ask her to draw or she'll slip up about her name or her parents or just be confused by the whole circus.
Post office sorting depot my eye. It's Britain's Guantanamo Bay isn't it? Question is, is your house inside or outside the perimeter fence? Show us the colour of yer jumpsuit.
(stage comic voice)
I remember when all this were fields...
(/stage comic voice)
It's been a long, long time since I was in Pontypool. Thanks for the views.
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