Pyramid Selling

I'm told there is a pyramid scheme going around locally. Apparently a it's been formed by a group of solicitors and based on new gaming laws to get around the old anti-pyramid laws. Donate £3,000, enrol two more players, three tiers later, answer a few very simple questions and receive £23,000. (£1,000 is used for a few things like scheme costs and a donation to a charity of your choice and presentation hall fees etc.) The scheme is still young so many people have had their lives turned around, paying off oppressive debt and using 3k of their winnings to get right back into the scheme again.
You won't catch me doing that sort of thing.
No......... I'm sensible...................I invested in a tax free Iceland...............then forgot my 'on line' password..........and consequently can't access my account in a bankrupt bank, in a bankrupt country.
Is that pic intended to lure us into putting our hands in your pockets to feel around for spare change?
It's not gonna work.
Nice try.
Well, now don't waste your 3,000 pounds on a pyramid scheme, esp. one cooked up by lawyers!
Instead, use your money to buy the entire country of Iceland! Tourists would love to pay big money to see this creature Bjork in her natural environment. They'll love feeding her fish or animal pellets. Better yet, take shots at her in her swan dress.
Poor Iceland. I hope they at least give you free fish when you are there. It's the least they can do [but seriously though - that sucks about your money]
MJ- Go on, you know you want to.
Eroswings- Lateral thinking. I like it.
Snooze- I think a relationship has communication issues when you didn't mention the investment to her and she didn't mention that during her recent tour of Iceland the buzz was all about how the banks were on the brink of bankruptcy.
On the upside, they've confirmed to me my account balance and the British Government has promist to reimburse us under the Financial Compensation Scheme......Providing of course, that Britain doesn't go bankrupt.
hey, our guaranteed retirement fund is....retired. at least you get compensated. we get BUPKIS.
*notices that tick is STILL BLOGGING and passes out again*
I also had a retirement fund like that. Consequently, I'll be working until I'm 65 if the steelworks survives.
The "simple questions" is so that it is a contest and not a lottery - lotteries being much more heavily regulated. It's the same wheeze people who are now "raffling" their houses are using to avoid the schemem being a lottery.
I guess the lawyers were heartened by the fact that the OFT's claim against Amway for pyramid selling was unsucessful.
Trouble is it's fine if you are in the first 3 - but you've no way of knowing if you are no 3 or no 33003.
Pyramid schemes are fundamentally evil - steer well clear.
As for the retirement fund - phooey - keep working at something or alternatively find a rich woman and sponge off her, it's more reliable than a pension.
Thank you for the insight. The only good pyramid scheme is the one you started yourself.
Shit, I've got a few quid in Icesave - every time I log in theres nothing there!
(latest news is that we should be getting compo in November, fingers crossed|)
I hope that's cash back, not a character from, 'Last of the Summer Wine'.
How much is a good pyramid these days? The years are starting to take their toll and I've heard that sleeping in one can restore youth.
I wonder if I can fit one in the back garden...?
I am with Mr Device on this - what n earth would you do with your pyramid? Dont be silly invest in frozen foods...
Tickers - sorry to hear about the cash-flow problem...
On a lighter note - I hear drug dealing or abit of over-the-table escorting both pay quite well, although the pensions plans are abominable...
Sorry, dry humour today.
Bahh! still nothing in compo'.
IDV- This is a true story. Back in my hippy days, I built a pyramid of the correct proportions and put a tomato inside. As a control, I put another similar tom' outiside. The covered tomato rotted first.
Mutleythedog-You see it's not a real pyramid....and it's not the frozen food's.....oh never mind!
M'Lady- I could try the drug dealing as soon as the survelance team turn their backs. As for the 'other' I fear my days of providing lasting and intense satisfaction to the wealthy but lonely, are in fast decline.
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